Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What to do when you pay a collections agency and they don't let anyone know...

This is the predicament I'm in right now. After paying close to $1,000 to Telus 3 weeks ago, I find out that the collections agency that was so diligent in getting a hold of me, isn't being so diligent in letting Telus know that I have paid my outstanding bill.

I'm frustrated....I'm beyond frustrated, but am so upset right now that I can't even think of another word for how I'm feeling.

I'm frustrated that after trying to get my $hit together there is still someone holding me back, and I'm frustrated because I found a way to save even more money. Currently I pay $70 for basic cable and basic internet (not even wireless) with Shaw, but if I bundle the two together with Telus, I can save myself $10/month. That doesn't seem like a lot, but that's $120 a year I could be putting towards my camera.

Now my only option is to sit back and wait another few weeks and see if I get a letter from Telus unless someone has another suggestion.

Lesson of the day: collections agencies really are the spawn of the devil.


Anna Black said...

That sucks Kristy. Did you pay the bill through your online banking? If so you can probably get the bank to follow up with the collections agency. Ryan had a similar situation happen to him and when the bank finally intervened things got cleared up. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

kristy... shaw has a package thing as well.... out here in the valley, i get all 3 cable/internet/land line.. for under 100/mth....
not sure what they have in the city....

Collections Agency said...

When sending letters and making calls do not help, debt collection needs something professional.That is where relevance of a good collections agency which helps the feasible debt recovery and get the due on time.