Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Safe and Sound

Sorry for the delay this week in writing.

Well it's official, it's been one full pay period (2 weeks) and I haven't used my plastic and have stuck to my budget. I can say that I only have $2 left in one of the envelopes, but I think that just shows that it IS possible to properly budget your money.

I have to say that it felt really good not to be worried every day (or every hour) whether or not I could afford that coffee, or that soup at lunch and just waiting for the debit machine to say 'Insufficient Funds'. Amazing feeling.

The second week was definitely harder than the first, but I think this time around it will be easier because I'll have the experience of the second week.

Anyway, quick column today. Will write more over the weekend.

I look forward to more comments and suggestions from you all. Please read the comments that people are making as everyone seems to have other great ideas on saving money.

Until next time, take care.

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