Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A sad, sad update

After weeks of being on top of my budget I have fallen off track. I don't know where I went wrong or really, what happened.
I did use my debit card to get food one day - I didn't have money in my envelope, but to be fair, I was hungry and I needed food. I get paid tomorrow and I do still have money in my grocery envelope, but these next two weeks are going to be interesting.
I decided to enroll the dog in private lessons and this has messed up my budget significantly. With this added expense I now have $50 to last me for everything over the next couple of weeks.
On a positive note I was accepted as a freelance writer for a website. The pay is by article and is only $15 per article, but I figure that if I can write 10 articles a week, I can add another $600 a month to my savings.
Wish me luck, although the next time you see me I may be gaunt from not eating for two weeks!

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