Monday, July 5, 2010

I didn't fall off the wagon....

I haven't posted in awhile, mostly because there hasn't been much to report.

As I said in my last post, I had one pay cheque where I didn't use the envelope method and it screwed me up big time. I realize now the importance of sticking with this method for at least 6 months.

I've been writing for an online company for the past few months and had to write an article on debt counsellors in Canada (how appropriate). I thought for awhile that these counsellors were a sham, but after researching the qualifications to become one and exactly what they do, I would highly recommend getting in touch with one. There is a site called that is based out of Vancouver and is a non profit organization. If you are in a crunch, I highly recommend contacting them for some advise. These counsellors can walk you through how to properly set up a budget, what to expect the first few months (I should have paid attention to that one) and how to start to pay off your debt and still save.

I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea that I make a decent salary, but yet am struggling to stay afloat. I want to hit the point where I have money saved and it doesn't matter if I have a car expense (which I do right now) or a camping trip to plan for; at one point in time I hope that I won't be stressing about how to afford these things.

Keep saving and send me your comments. I promise to write more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stick to it Flefle! On est avec toi!