Friday, May 28, 2010

Day one was successful, but that might be because all of my envelopes are still stuffed!

I had a minor panic attack when I put my plastic to rest yesterday; I even stood in line at the bank to take money out instead of accumulating bank fees.

After my initial 'oh my, I only can spend this much on food and booze for the next two weeks', I remembered why I was doing this and how I never, ever want to hit rock bottom again the way I did a month ago.

For the first time ever I actually wrote out a grocery list. I have budgeted myself $50 for this pay period for groceries. Instead of just walking around the grocery store randomly grabbing things that looked good, I compared prices and stuck to my list. My grocery bill for the week came out at $20.55. Pretty good so far.

Today I decided to take out money from my coffee fund and have a coffee this morning. In this envelope I've limited myself to $20 per pay period. Keep in mind that I was spending, on average $25 in coffee from Monday to Friday and usually the same amount on weekends (when I factored into buying Glen coffee). Needless to say this will be one of the tough ones.

Next challenge will be the weekend. We have already agreed not to go out for dinner, but a show tonight (= booze) + poker + more drinks with friends. This will be hard. I also didn't budget for poker, but hey, I could win and be on top! Oh, that's not the way I should look at things, right?

Have a great weekend and keep the comments coming!


Dee said...

How about investing in a bodum and brewing your own coffee? You can consume more and save loads of cash that way. Good luck Kristy!

Kristy. said...

Hey Dee,

I actually do have a bodum sitting beside me right now. That was the first step to stopping the coffee buying, but sometimes a soy latte made by someone else is sooooo nice!

hope you're well Dee and the baby is doing well!