Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dooms Day

I got paid today which means that today I start my envelopes.

I was really excited about this last week, but realized over the weekend how hard this is really going to be and how diligent I need to be with my money. I used my "plastic" about 20 times this weekend for various things, and continued to use my favorite phrase "no, I'll take care of this" another 20. Today that stops....and I know it's going to be hard.

Thanks for all of your emails and comments. I've had a lot of great responses.
A few great ideas that I personally loved are:

1) Any money that's left over at the end of your pay period, put in a savings account for something that you really want; this will help you be better with your money if there is something you want at the end of it all.

2) Leave the plastic at home

3) Take a look at bills from Shaw/Telus and see if there is anywhere that you can save money. You no longer need a contract with Telus so it's easy to swap companies.

Keep sending your comments and I'll keep posting!

Restaurant of the day: House of Dosa's (Monday is half price dosa night).
Corner of Kingsway and Knight


Sarah Markwick said...

I have another idea for you!

A few years ago, I had JUST booked a trip to Thailand when my car died. I had to borrow money from my parents for a new car and I was SO depressed that I was going on this trip I had dilligently saved for and coming straight home to debt. I wondered how I would ever save to travel again.

So, I set up a GIC at my bank that had $50 a month come out of my bank account and go into my "travel savings account". That was all I could afford. $50 a month. It wasn't much, but it eventually added up. I never noticed that $50 coming out of my account, but after a year, I had $600+interest in the bank to put towards a trip! It wouldn't have been enough for another big trip to Thailand, but it was a start. And everytime I felt like I would never get to go away again because of high rent and car pmts, I looked at that account balance and remembered that I COULD!

It felt good! And it was empowering to know that I was actively making my next trip happen by putting money away for *ME* (even if it was just a little). It was nice to have some of my money directed to something fun for myself, rather than just to bills and loan repayments.

Unknown said...

You're the third person this week who's told me about House of Dosas. This is either the best-kept secret in Vancouver or the best marketing campaign I've ever seen.

Right, you want advice. . . don't compare yourself to other people and what they have/are buying because you have to remember that most people in this culture can't afford the things they buy. Learn to feel superior not because you're keeping up with the Joneses, but because you're NOT.

Kristy. said...

Sarah - my biggest fear right now is that something is going to go wrong with my car and that I won't have the reserve funds to pay for it.

I do have $100/pay cheque being thrown automatically into a high interest ING savings account. It has helped me out on several occasions.
I think we had this talk before, I don't have access to the money through debit so it makes it really hard for me to get at that money.

Erin - thanks for your comments. I think it's human nature to compare yourself to others, but you're right, everyone is at a different place in their lives so there is no need to compare.

And, ya the House of Dosas is great. And now, for some reason open 24 hours. Best bet is Mondays, but get take out because it's a mad house there.